Newker Primary School

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Waldridge Rd, Chester Le Street, County Durham, DH2 3AA

0191 388 7099

Newker Primary School

Don't forget to bring in your OPAL outdoor kit for lunchtime play outside!

  1. Key Information
  2. Curriculum
  3. Curriculum Overview
  4. PE


At Newker Primary School, we recognise and value the importance of physical education and activity to support happy healthy lifestyles.  We focus on the aims of the National Curriculum to ensure all of our children have a positive experience around physical education.  We hope all our children leave our school knowing that an active lifestyle encourages confidence, happiness and long term wellbeing.

The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives


Our PE offer is split into three areas of focus:


Curriculum – Our long term plan ensures progression of skills from the Foundation Stage to Y6.  We focus on building fundamental movement skills, developing game based tactics, exploring a range of team sports and understanding and reflecting on our own personal best.


Festival and Fun – Every child in school will attend at least one non-competitive festival each year.  This is an opportunity for children to try different sports in a safe environment. These festivals include: Multi-skills, Tennis, Gymnastics and Team Building. 


Competitions – Newker has a long history of successful team sports.  We regularly take part in competitive events organised by the School Sports Partnership or our local school associations.  These events include: Netball, Football, Basketball, Athletics, Tag Rugby, Cricket and Tag Rugby.  Every child in school also takes part in our cycle of Intra-School competitive events ran by the School Sports Partnership.


Alongside these three main area, we encourage as much activity as possible throughout the time, through active playtimes, movement breaks during the day, Jump Start Jonny and a range of sporting afterschool and lunch clubs.