Newker Primary School

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0191 388 7099

Newker Primary School

Don't forget to bring in your OPAL outdoor kit for lunchtime play outside!

  1. Parents and Carers
  2. Home Learning Resources

Home Learning Resources


The Oak National Academy is the online classroom that the Government have hosted to support home learning. When entering the website, you can access the daily schedule and which subject you would like to do first. All you need to do is select the correct year group for your child and everything will be on there for you to access. Click here to visit The Oak National Academy website.


BBC Bitesize are adding daily lesson content for all KS1 and KS2 children in Maths, Literacy and other curriculum subjects. Visit their website here to find out more.


White Rose Maths have Home Learning Packs for every Year group from Reception to Year 8. Click here to visit their site.

'Sumdog' are giving parents the opportunity to create a free account with them during school closures. Their site is a maths and spelling practice tool. Visit their site to create your account.

'Numbots' a platform for learning to add and subtract.

Practice your times table at 'TTRockstars'



Free 'Talk for writing' Home- School booklets. Packs available for Reception to Year 6. Follow the link and find a pack appropriate for your child.

Free Home Learning resources from Scholastic. Visit their site for their Early Years, KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2 packs.

Learning at Home packs from The Hamilton Trust for Numeracy and Literacy. These will be updated weekly so please keep checking their site for every year group from Year 1 to Year 6. 

'The Literacy Shed +' have provided have provided free KS1 and KS2 literacy packs, reading comprehensions and other supporting activities. Visit their site to download the resources.

'The Literacy Shed' have videos to watch from a range of topics such as Adventure, Fantasy and Mystery. After watching a video animation, there are suggested discussion and writing activities for you to try.

Ruth Miskin Training who provide the 'Read Write Inc' scheme of work for phonics that we use at Newker are offering daily sessions via Facebook and YouTube. Please visit their site to find out more. have made many of their resources and packs free if you create and account with them. Visit their page here and support your child with their phonic and literacy skills.

'Epic!: Kids' Books, Audio Books, Videos & eBooks' are offering 1 month free access to their resources if you create an account with them. Visit google play or access the app store through your apple IOS device.

'Teach Your Monster to Read' is completely free if used from a computer. You just need to register to create an account and you can get started.

'Reading Plus' is an online reading programme for Years 4 -6 that's packed full of engaging texts for pupils to explore and enjoy. Login using site code RPnewke1 and then your child can enter their own username and password.


Jump Start Jonny has a 'Free Stuff' section on his website to keep everyone active at home. He also has a YouTube channel.

Advice and links to videos from 'County Durham Sport' for everyone in your household, as well as relatives of all ages.

Durham and Chester-Le-Street District School Sport Partnership ideas and videos for activities and exercises. Follow this link to their website and then look at the SSP Schemes drop down tab for their 'Home Resources'.


Scratch at home

Computational thinking resources from Barefoot Computing and BT.


Quiz questions for you to complete with your children. Topics include: General Knowledge, Music, Maths, Science, Movies and Trivia. If your child doesn't know the answer, could you tell them or show them how you worked it out or could you work as a team and safely use the internet to find the answer? The answers are included for each quiz.

Quizzes with an American theme, click here!

Quizzes with a UK theme, click here!

CBBC quizzes based on their shows and programmes, click here!



To access the links in the document below from your computer, press the 'Download Document' button and you will then be able to press the 'Ctrl' button on your keyboard and the left mouse button to open any of the sites.