Newker Primary School

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Waldridge Rd, Chester Le Street, County Durham, DH2 3AA

0191 388 7099

Newker Primary School

Don't forget to bring in your OPAL outdoor kit for lunchtime play outside!

  1. Children
  2. Class Pages
  3. Year 6

Year 6

Mrs Innes and Mr Maughan

Autumn Term

Hello everyone and welcome to Year 6.

As we move into a our final year at primary school, we start to focus to get ourselves 'high school ready' by learning to be increasingly independent and organised. This includes remembering our homework and organising our own belongings and resources. The motto 'don't get stressed, just try your best', becomes so important as we move through this important next stage of our education

Our teachers  in Year 6, Mrs Innes, Mr Maughan and Mrs Knighton (who covers our PPA) will help us to continue our love of learning- even when things get tough. Our learning assistant Mrs Jackson will continue to be an amazing support to us all.

In Autumn term, we will cover a lot of learning and experiences. In English, we will complete pieces of writing around the book 'King Kong' by Anthony Browne and ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’ by JK Rowling.  In Maths we will complete units on place value and integers as well as multiplication and division. In History, we will begin to learn about the Ancient Maya. In Geography, we will begin to learn about Biomes / vegetation belts / map work. In PE we will learn gymnastics and games. PSHE will focus on ‘Belonging’ and then ‘Respecting Ourselves and Others’. In Science, we will review some of the work from Y5 before looking at ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’. In computing we will create 3D models.


We have a really busy term ahead!

Year 6 routines:

  • PE Days: Monday and Wednesday (please leave kits in school)
  • Please put names inside all clothing and shoes
  • Children will take 2 reading books home- one is linked to their level of development and the other is a reading for pleasure book. Books can only be changed when they have been read and a parent has signed the planner. Please bring books in every day so that children can read in school and to an adult when appropriate.
  • Homework will be set as learning questions on the school website.
  • Spellings will go home each Monday and will be assessed each Friday.
  • Water bottles must be brought to school each day
  • School gates open at 8:30 and playground door at 8:40. Registration is at 8:45am. 
  • Children do not need to bring their own pencil cases, pens, pencils etc as all resources are provided.