Games and Learning Resources
Please remember our golden rule when accessing technology...
Always let your Parents and Carers know when you are online and ask their permission. If you see something you don't like or something makes you feel uncomfortable, tell an adult you trust or use the 'Click Ceop' button at the bottom of the page to report it. Be responsible and have fun!
Turtle Academy - perfect your coding and de-bugging skills
Learn more about Computing and Technology
Code Building - Dance Party! A step by step video tutorial
Scratch - Build your Coding skills
Online Safety
Play Interland - Be Internet Awesome - Learn how to stay safe online
Interactive Cybersecurity Activity Kit
Space Shelter: a game about learning to stay safer online
Band Runner - Race To The Show
Reading and Listening
All the sounds you need to know
Gingerbread Man Game - Counting, Matching, Ordering