Newker Primary School

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0191 388 7099

Newker Primary School

Don't forget to bring in your OPAL outdoor kit for lunchtime play outside!

  1. Children
  2. Class Pages
  3. Year 4

Year 4

Mr Bell and Mrs Thompson

Hello, and welcome to Year 4!
In Year 4, our Learning Support Assistant is Miss Hepple. Also in our class is Mr Bell (Deputy Head) who joins us on a Tuesday afternoon. 
PE will be on a Tuesday so please ensure PE kits are in for those days. We will keep the kits in school and send home for washing at the end of each half term.
Our reading books in school are levelled to suit ability and fluency, where children would complete an accelerated reader test at the end of each book to see if they fully understood what they have read. Once completed they can change their book. Reading at home is encouraged and signing the reading record is part of their homework.
In Key Stage Two homework will be set in their homework books, with the children expected to complete one task a week . We also expect children to have read 3 times a week, practiced TT Rockstars and their spellings using the new online spelling shed games. Reading at home will be monitored weekly.
Spellings will be sent home on Fridays and there will be an informal spelling test in class on the following Fridays.
We have so many exciting topics that we are learning about in Year 4.
In English we will be reading Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit,  The Iron Man by Ted Hughes and a selection of other interesting texts. 
In Maths we will be working on place value and developing our calculation strategies for addition and subtraction, as well as diving deep into multiplication, as this will be test in June. 
In History we will begin learning about our new topic the Romans and in Geography we will be learning all about the geography of Europe.
In Science we will be exploring living things and their habitats.
We will of course be practicing our creative skills in our music lessons and art, as well as brushing up on our French!
Mr Bell and Mrs Thompson