Click here to read about our Curriculum Drivers that are at the centre of our Curriculum here at Newker Primary School.
EYFS follow the EYFS Curriculum. The formal National Curriculum begins in Key Stage 1: Years 1 and 2 and is further developed at Key Stage 2: Years 3,4,5 and 6.
In our school we teach topics for our creative curriculum. Teachers plan around the theme but take learning objectives from their year groups learning objectives.
Our topics are organised into year groups.
To find out what your child’s year group will be learning about across the school year, please use the links below:
Curriculum Maps
Find information about our curriculum by clicking on your child's year group:
Skills Progression
We teach the following curriculum areas and have provided progression documents in each subject below: Find out about the progress in skills that each year group are expected to make in each subject:
English Mathematics Science History Geography
Computing Art & Design Physical Education (PE) Design & Technology (DT) French (MFL) Music
At Newker Primary School we follow the Durham County Council Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.
We also aim to promote Equal Opportunities and Multi-Cultural Education through assemblies, circle time and SMSC. We give a high priority to developing the Personal and Social Education of our children, promoting co-operation, caring, understanding and tolerance both in our school and in the community.
RSE Policy PSHE & RSE Long Term Overview