Newker Primary School

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Waldridge Rd, Chester Le Street, County Durham, DH2 3AA

0191 388 7099

Newker Primary School

Don't forget to bring in your OPAL outdoor kit for lunchtime play outside!

  1. Children
  2. Class Pages
  3. Year 2

Year 2

Mrs Frankland, Mrs Armstrong and Mrs O'Brien

Y2 teacher

Hello and welcome to our class page. 

We are Mrs Frankland, Mrs Armstrong and Mrs O'Brien and this year will be teaching Year 2. We will be supported by Mrs Blackwood. 

In Maths this term we will be securing place value up to 100, as well as recalling bonds up to 20.

We will be exploring many different texts in our English sessions including ‘Look Up’ and ‘The Troll Swap’ and ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’, just to name a few!

In History, we will be looking at our history, how we have changed over our lifetime as well as some of our local history and landmarks.

In Geography, we will learn about the seven continents and five oceans of the world. We will also be exploring the continent of Africa, focussing on the country of Kenya.

In Science, we will be exploring the topic of animals including humans. We will learn about animals including classifying by diet, features and habitats.

During our Music sessions, we will be practising explore beat, rhythm and tempo focussing on South African songs. In Computing we will be looking at computing systems and networks around us.

In RE we will be exploring Christianity and God and how Christians believe the world was created as well as some special events such as harvest and in PSHE, we will be exploring how we belong to a community as well as how to respect ourselves and others.

During this half term, we will have an Art week, learning about Barbara Hepworth and her wonderful artwork. We will also have a DT week, exploring vehicles and creating our own.

PE this half term will be on Monday and Thursday, we will be focussing on our gymnastics skills and playing a variety of different games. Please ensure your child has their full kit in school. Kits will then be sent home at the end of half term to be washed.

In KS1 we have three different books that are sent home.

Reading for Pleasure books – these are sent home on Monday and returned on Friday. These are books that are to be shared as a family, at bed time, before tea or just snuggled up on the sofa.

RWI books – these are sent home on Monday and returned on Friday. These are phonetically plausible books that are chosen specific in line with your child’s phonic knowledge.

Phonetically decodable or banded reading books – these are changed every Tuesday and Friday. Don’t worry about reading a full book each day, reading a couple of pages each day will be great. Please just make a note of which page you have read up to. 


Please remember to read with your child as often as possible. School planners are checked daily for any messages.  


If you ever have any concerns or want to discuss something, please call or email the school office and we will get back to you ASAP.