Online Safety
At Newker Primary School, we are all committed to keeping children safe online. This forms part of our safeguarding and allows children to make sensible and safe choices about the way they interact with technology, communicate and find information in a digital world. We take this duty very seriously and believe it is the responsibility of everyone in our school community to keep our children and their families safe. At all times we must remain vigilant and mindful about what children are accessing and the dangers they may face, helping them to make informed and appropriate choices about their use of technology
In order to assist Parents and Carers in this role, we have provided a range of resources and information that you may find useful in informing your understanding of how you can best protect your child. Could you please also show your child the 'CLICK CEOP' icon that appears at the bottom of every page. This is the national reporting centre for children to visit if they are ever worried or have concerns about any inappropriate communications they have received.
Click here to access our school Online Safety Policy
Parents and Carers - UK Safer Internet Centre
This site is a really good resource for parents and carers wanting to stay up to date with the latest news and trends in online safety. Here you will find blogs, guides and advice you can use at home to help yourself and your child to stay safe online.
The guides will walk you through setting up your safety settings on phones, tablets, games consoles, smart speakers, smart TVs and when using social media.
Mr A.Bell
Computing Subject Lead
Other links you may wish to visit:
- Parents and carers | CEOP Education
- Parent Zone - Advice for parents and carers in a digital world
- Keeping children safe online | NSPCC
- Think U Know - Information for parents/carers and children of all ages
- Keep Children Safe Online: Information, Advice, Support - Internet Matters
- Internetmatters YouTube page - a complete video collection of online safety advice and tutorials
- eSafety advice for parents and carers
- Childnet Parents and Carers section
- Digital Parenting
- Keeping Under Fives Safe Online.pdf
- Family agreement advice Childnet.pdf
- Family agreement template Childnet.pdf
- How to set up Parental Controls on digital devices