Newker Primary School

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Waldridge Rd, Chester Le Street, County Durham, DH2 3AA

0191 388 7099

Newker Primary School

Don't forget to bring in your OPAL outdoor kit for lunchtime play outside!

  1. Parents and Carers
  2. Useful Information/Forms

Useful Information

Click here to access the Parentpay web-site.

If you would like to learn how to book your child's meal in advance using Parentpay, please click here. Please note, these instructions will require you to sign in with your parentpay account details. 

Holiday Dates 2024-2025

Time off during school time is only authorised in exceptional circumstances. However, if you would like to request this, please complete and return the attached form below. 

Leave of Absence Request Form

Attendance Policy 2024/25

Please find attached the latest school dinner menu for Chartwells, our school meal provider.

Chartwells Spring/Summer Menu

If you would like to order your children's meals yourself at home, please find below the instructions on how to do this on the Parentpay app here

Here at Newker we have two available retailers where our branded school uniform can be purchased. The information for these is below:

Little Gems (The School Outfit) at 

Logosunlimited at

However, there is no expectation that your child(ren) wear this branded uniform. For more information on this, please refer to the uniform policy found on this page.

School can help administer medication to children with permission from a parent or carer. Medication must have a prescription label with the child's name on and a consent form completed and returned to school.

The Valley Nursery & Kids Club hold breakfast and afterschool sessions in our KS2 hall. For more information click here.

Within school, we have offered a variety of clubs including the following:

  • change4Life

  • tag rugby

  • football

  • netball

  • multisports

  • popmobility

  • football

  • cricket

  • ICT

  • board games club

  • athletics

  • reading lunchtime club

For information on the latest school led after school clubs, please click here for our latest news. 

Once your child reaches their fifth birthday, they are no longer eligible for free milk unless they qualify for free school meals. You can pay for milk via the Cool Milk website. 

Cool Milk registration and payment

A recent letter sent out by school explains in further detail who to contact if you think your child can still access free milk. You can fin the letter on this page.

This is a great starting point to help you access support. Click here to find useful contacts for agencies like CAMHS, Childline, Mind etc.