There are three main strands of the Computing curriculum: information technology, digital literacy and computer science.
Information technology is about the use of computers for functional purposes, such as collecting and presenting information, or using search technology.
Digital literacy is about the safe and responsible use of technology, including recognising its advantages for collaboration or communication.
Finally, computer science will introduce children of all ages to understanding how computers and networks work. It will also give all children the opportunity to learn basic computer programming, from simple floor robots in Years 1 and 2, right up to creating on-screen computer games and programmes by Year 6.
Many schools will use programming software which is freely available online, such as Scratch or Kodu. We include regular teaching of e-safety during each unit of work as well as e-safety enrichment days. This ensures that children feel confident when using computers and the Internet, and know what to do if they come across something either inappropriate or uncomfortable.
Oracy within the Computing curriculum is of great importance. To be able to speak using the correct and appropriate technological vocabulary allows children to be both understood and also gain proficiency within the subject. The terms and expressions used within Computing form a universal language that once learnt will mean that children can communicate with confidence with peers and carry this skill forward into adult life and future learning. Communication can then evolve to discuss programming languages as well as being able to identify and talk about both computer hardware and software
Oracy is also key in discussing our use of the internet and social media. Knowing how to stay safe online, how to communicate appropriately, and what to do if you have concerns or feel worried.
In order for children to make progress within the Computing curriculum and fully understand the learning, they will be introduced to a range of vocabulary at various points within their learning journey.
Please see the Computing Glossary of Terms
The Computing curriculum has been designed to allow all pupils to fully take part in activities and discussions that involve technology. We want learners to be able to make sense of technology and continue to acquire new skills, adding to their understanding of the world around them. If the curriculum needs adapting, to suit the needs of individual children, appropriate modifications are made by the class teacher with support of the SENCO.
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Lead with concepts:
Support pupils in the acquisition of knowledge, through the use of key concepts, terms, and vocabulary, providing opportunities to build a shared and consistent understanding. Glossaries, concept maps, and displays, along with regular recall and revision, can support this approach.
Work together:
Encourage collaboration, specifically using pair programming and peer instruction, and also structured group tasks. Working together stimulates classroom dialogue, articulation of concepts, and development of shared understanding.
Get hands-on:
Use physical computing and making activities that offer tactile and sensory experiences to enhance learning. Combining electronics and programming with arts and crafts (especially through exploratory projects) provides pupils with a creative, engaging context to explore and apply computing concepts.
Unplug, unpack, repack:
Teach new concepts by first unpacking complex terms and ideas, exploring these ideas in unplugged and familiar contexts, then repacking this new understanding into the original concept. This approach (semantic waves) can help pupils develop a secure understanding of complex concepts.
Model everything:
Model processes or practices — everything from debugging code to binary number conversions — using techniques such as worked examples and live coding. Modelling is particularly beneficial to novices, providing scaffolding that can be gradually taken away.
Foster program comprehension:
Use a variety of activities to consolidate knowledge and understanding of the function and structure of programs, including debugging, tracing, and Parson’s Problems. Regular comprehension activities will help secure understanding and build connections with new knowledge.
Create projects:
Use project-based learning activities to provide pupils with the opportunity to apply and consolidate their knowledge and understanding. Design is an important, often overlooked aspect of computing. Pupils can consider how to develop an artefact for a particular user or function, and evaluate it against a set of criteria.
Add variety:
Provide activities with different levels of direction, scaffolding, and support that promote active learning, ranging from highly structured to more exploratory tasks. Adapting your instruction to suit different objectives will help keep all pupils engaged and encourage greater independence.
Challenge misconceptions: Use formative questioning to uncover misconceptions and adapt teaching to address them as they occur. Awareness of common misconceptions alongside discussion, concept mapping, peer instruction, or simple quizzes can help identify areas of confusion.
Make concrete:
Bring abstract concepts to life with real world, contextual examples and a focus on interdependencies with other curriculum subjects. This can be achieved through the use of unplugged activities, proposing analogies, storytelling around concepts, and finding examples of the concepts in pupils’ lives.
Read and explore code first:
When teaching programming, focus first on code ‘reading’ activities, before code writing. With both block-based and text-based programming, encourage pupils to review and interpret blocks of code. Research has shown that being able to read, trace, and explain code augments pupils’ ability to write code.
Structure lessons:
Use supportive frameworks when planning lessons, such as Teach Computing, PRIMM (Predict, Run, Investigate, Modify, Make) and Use-Modify-Create. These frameworks are based on research and ensure that differentiation can be built in at various stages of the lesson.