Newker Primary School

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0191 388 7099

Newker Primary School

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  1. About Us
  2. Governors Meeting Attendance

Governor Meeting Attendance

Attendance at Meetings 2024-2025

Type of Meeting: Curriculum and Standards


(HT Review)

First/Pay Finance Full Governing Body Finance Curriculum and Standards Full Governing Body Finance Full Governing Body Personnel and Staffing Curriculum and Standards
Date: 17.9.24 16.10.24 7.11.24 14.11.24 19.11.24 4.2.25 11.2.25 11.3.25 13.5.25 17.6.25 26.6.25 15.7.25
M. Kirkland Y Y Y Y
C.Singleton  X Y Y Y
E. Fulton-Baggaley Y Y A/A Y
L. Dunn A/A Y Y Y
N. Bell Y Y Y
N. Parkinson Y Y
S. Lonsdale Y Y
S. Sheard A/A Y Y
B. Green Y Y Y Y
M. Carline Elected by Parents 19.12.24
R. Williams Elected by Parents 19.12.24


Attendance at Meetings 2023-2024

Type of Meeting: Curriculum and Standards First/Pay Personnel and Staffing Finance Full Governing Body First/Pay Finance Curriculum and Standards Full Governing Body Full Governing Body Finance Personnel and Staffing
Date: 24.10.23 7.11.23 9.11.23 14.11.23 21.11.23 24.11.23 8.2.24 13.2.24 12.3.24 18.6.24 2.7.24 9.7.24
M. Kirkland Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
C.Singleton  A/A Y Y Y Y A/A Y A/A Y A/A
E. Fulton-Baggaley Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A/A A/A Y
L. Dunn Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
N. Bell Took up post 15.4.24 A/A
N. Parkinson Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
S. Lonsdale X Y X Y Y
S. Sheard Y Y Y A/A Y
B. Green Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
L. Weddle Y Y Y Y Y Resigned Post
L. Curtis Y Resigned Post due to leaving school. 
K. Athey A/A Resigned Post


Y: Attended Meeting

A/A: Apologies Accepted

X: Did not attend, no apologies. 

Grey Cell: Not a member of the committee/ineligible for meeting.